The Marfa Independent School District is soliciting Competitive Sealed Proposals for the J.E. Gregg Auditorium Carpet Installation Project and Painting Project. Head over to the News section on our website for more details!

Class of 2022
Please contact the Business Office at 432-729-5500 to process your scholarship payments.
Your college fall semester begins soon. Don't miss your payment deadlines.

Grab your opportunity to live in beautiful far west Texas, and join our team at Marfa ISD! Marfa offers a year-round pleasant climate, friendly people, unique community and outdoor opportunities, and outstanding staff that is second to none. The following positions are currently open:
Elementary Core Teacher (2 positions)
Secondary Social Studies Teacher/possible coach
Paraprofessional/Aide (2 positions)
Secondary Spanish Teacher
Secondary Music Teacher
Please contact the superintendent at 432-729-5500 for more information, or visit our website at www.marfaisd.com for the application.
Your Shorthorn family welcomes you!

Summer workouts are tough, but our Shorthorn ladies are tougher!

Marfa ISD 2022 seniors can now stop by the high school office to pick up your official diploma. For questions, please call the school at 432-729-5500.

Thank you to Student Council, sponsor Coach Pittman, NHS and sponsor Mrs. Donaldson for sponsoring our orientation for the incoming 7th grade students. New friendships and great information were gained by all.

STAAR EOC Summer Retest Schedule

The new track is nearing completion, and was painted today. Please remember to stay off of the track until further notice.

Due to the train stopped on the railroad tracks, the bus will be delayed in picking up students for Summer Shakeup. If you have any questions, please call the school at 432-729-5500.

Marfa ISD Class of 2022 graduation ceremony will be at 7 p.m., Friday, May 27th at Martin Field.
Due to rain delays, the new track surface needs additional time to settle, so only participating staff and seniors will be allowed on the field. The district will have a designated area for seniors and their families to gather after the ceremony.

Marfa ISD Class of 2022 graduation ceremony will be at 7 p.m., Friday, May 27th at Martin Field.
Due to rain delays, the new track surface needs additional time to settle, so only participating staff and seniors will be allowed on the field. The district will have a designated area for seniors and their families to gather after the ceremony.

Marfa ISD Class of 2022 graduation ceremony will be at 7 p.m., Friday, May 27th at Martin Field.
Due to rain delays, the new track surface needs additional time to settle, so only participating staff and seniors will be allowed on the field. The district will have a designated area for seniors and their families to gather after the ceremony.

Celebrate art and have a snow cone at the Elementary School end of the year Art Show from 4-6pm, tomorrow, Saturday, May 21, at the Marfa Studio of Art Gallery, 106 E. San Antonio. All are welcome!

Today, Friday, May 20, is the last day of school. Elementary award programs begin at 9 a.m. at Shorthorn gym. Jr./Sr. High award program begins at 11:15 a.m. at the Shorthorn gym. JSHS students will have lunch at 12 noon, host volleyball games at 1 p.m. and be released at 3 pm. Happy Summer! It’s great to be a Shorthorn! See you next year.

It’s ok to not be ok. And it’s ok to talk about it. National and local mental health services are available for those at risk of suicide:
Call: 800-273-8255 (800-273-TALK)
Text: TX to 741741 (free, 24/7)
Chat: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

End of Year Senior Events Seniors are required to attend.
5/20 - Senior Walk – 8:30 a.m. Elementary school in cap and gown.
5/22 - Optional events - Graduation Mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church and Baccalaureate ceremony at 6 pm Shorthorn Gym.
5/ 23 - Senior Luncheon -12 noon, Robinson Cafeteria and Senior Scholarship/Awards - 2 p.m., Marfa Shorthorn Gym.
5/24 - Senior Day Chinati Foundation 9:30 a.m.-2p.m.
5/25 - Senior Parade - 7 p.m. Line up 6:30 p.m.
5/27- Graduation Practice - 9 a.m. and Graduation – Seniors arrive at 6:30 p.m. Ceremony at 7 p.m.

We have reached capacity for the sports banquet at the St. George Hall. Thanks for your support!

We are honoring our Jr/Sr High School athletes at the Annual Shorthorn Sports Banquet at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, May 18, at St. George Hall. Each athlete will receive two guest tickets tomorrow, Wednesday, May 18, at school. No extra tickets are available. Go Horns!!

The May 18 JH/SR High School music concert has been canceled.