Elementary Music Concert tonight at 6:30 pm at Marfa Shorthorn Gym. Tonight’s concert will feature Grades 3, 4, 5 & 6. Please join us for this end of the year event!

Yearbooks have arrived!! Get yours today for $20. Stop by the high school office or call the high school for more information 432-729-5500.

Alexis Gonzales getting ready for the UIL State Golf Tournament! Good luck!! Go Horns!! Photo by MHS Coach Curtis Pittman.

Come support our athletes at Coffield Park! Steak sandwiches will be sold for $10 includes chips and a drink. Proceeds will help pay for volleyball camp. JH softball team will be playing at the park at 4 pm against Van Horn.

Our student art work is on display at Chinati Foundation Arena. Come celebrate their accomplishments! And get some ice cream, too!

Senior Odalys Chacon is this year’s recipient of the Paisano Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen award. She was recently honored with other area high school students at a reception in Alpine. Congratulations!

Tonight's the night! Join us at 7 p.m. at the Crowley Theater as we showcase our high school playwriters!

Day 2 for Cristian Ontiveros at the UIL State Golf Tournament. He’s only 4 strokes behind first place! Let’s keep sending those Shorthorn vibes! Go Cristian! Go Horns!

Stress can impact the whole family. Here are 10 quick things you can do when feeing stressed:

Senior parent meeting at 6 pm today at Marfa High School to discuss upcoming events for the Class of 2022.

Cristian Ontiveros getting ready for the UIL State Golf Tournament! Good luck!! Go Horns!! Photo by MHS Coach Curtis Pittman.

STAAR tests for Grades 3-8 will be given on May 10-13, 2022. Testing is online. Please make sure your child brings their charged chromebook and charger to school each day of testing.
Tuesday, May 10th, Grades 3-8 Math;
Wednesday, May 11th, Grades 3-8 Reading;
Thursday, May 12th, Grades 5 and 8 Science; and
Friday, May 13th, Grade 8 Social Studies.
Thank you

PreK and Kinder students honored the amazing cafeteria staff on School Lunch Heroes Day!! Thank you, ladies, for all the work you do!

If you're concerned your child may be struggling with a mental health condition, you're not alone. The stigma surrounding mental health disorders in children can lead to parents missing early warning signs and can delay kids getting the help they need:

May 2022 Events
May 5 – Softball Playoffs at 6 p.m. at Stanton High School
May 6 – Science team to Atlanta Georgia for Nationals
May 9 – State Boys Golf, Plum Creek Golf Course, Kyle, Tx
May 10-13 – STAAR Grades 3-8
May 10 - College and Career Day at SRSU – Grades 9-12
May 11 - Playwriting Performance – 7 p.m. Crowley Theater
May 12 -Student Art Show – 5-7 p.m. Chinati Foundation Arena
May 16 - State Girls Golf, Plum Creek Golf Course, Kyle, Tx
May 16 & 17 – Jr./Sr. High School Final Exams
May 18 - Music practice at 1st Presbyterian Church -1:45-4 p.m. All Jr./Sr. music students
Jr./Sr. High School Music Concert - 5:30 p.m., 1st Presbyterian Church
Sports Banquet – 6:30 p.m., St. George
May 19 - Environmental Science to Big Bend Conservation grasslands project – 8-9:30 a.m.
May 20 - Senior Walk – 8:30 a.m.
Jr./Sr. High School Student Awards - 11:15 a.m. Marfa Shorthorn Gym.
May 22 - Baccalaureate ceremony at Marfa Shorthorn Gym (Time- TBD)
May 23 - Senior Luncheon -12 noon, Robinson Cafeteria and Senior Scholarship/Awards - 2 p.m., Marfa Shorthorn Gym
May 24 - Senior Chinati Day at Chinati Foundation
May 25 - Senior Parade - 7 p.m.
May 27 - Graduation Practice - 9 a.m. Graduation – Seniors arrive at 6:30 p.m. Ceremony at 7 p.m.

Teacher appreciation week continues with the amazing cooking skills of elementary principal Amy White! She cooked up delicious Philly steak sandwiches today for all MISD staff. Thanks Ms. White! Thanks teachers and staff for all of your hard work!

Thank you Class of 1999 for your donation of $1,250 to our auditorium renovation! Your generous donation gets us closer to our goal! Once a Shorthorn - Always a Shorthorn!

School will dismiss at 12:30 p.m. today, Thursday, April 28, because the city is going to sealcoat the streets around the school campuses on Columbia, Gonzales, and Lincoln streets this afternoon. Regular class schedule will resume tomorrow, Friday, April 29.

The last day of school for students and teachers will be Friday, May 20th because the school district did not have anymore closures due to COVID. Graduation will still take place on May 27th at 7:00 pm. The senior luncheon and scholarship award program will be Monday, May 23rd, and the senior parade will be May 25th.

Marfa schools will be closed Friday, April 15. Classes will resume Monday, April 18.